Montag, 21. Juni 2010

Turntable revised

Thanks to Heiner I have now a super working turntable with a decoder and extra "In position" detector.
I wired and tested it yesterday and I am really surprised to see the turntable moves so smoothly. Also the extra LED signals on the bridge are smoothly changing aspect.

The extra "In position" detector generates a short pulse to inform Rocrail that the turntable can be accessed by a locomotive.

I need some extra MGV50 modules before I can test it in automatic mode.

To be continued on this blog.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Rob, good to hear that you're using now Sven's decoder too. Can we expect some further documentation especially about the extra detector later in the wiki? :-)
    Br Dirk

  2. Hi Dirk,

    yes, I will publish this extra detector board but I'm not sure who did develop it...
