But when the days are growing shorter again I will try to put some more effort in this project and will report here about any progress made.
Sonntag, 16. September 2012
The Dutch mountains part III.
So far nothing has been changed and the project is in a kind of deep freeze state.
The toyshop Werst in Ludwigshafen did order 400 Märklin cars with the "Kuckucks-Bähnel" Logo...
I could not resist and bought both cars although I do not run three rail Märklin anymore.Back in 2010 we had a Rocrail event with this train: http://wiki.rocrail.net/doku.php?id=roundtable-2010-04-en
If you are interested too, just check if there are some left:
GP-7; Geeeeeeee
Just for the records of RainerK I will add a Blog entry. :-)
Last week I bought a USA Trains GP-7 in gauge G. This baby has been part of the 10 years Rocrail event and has the potential to run by radio instead of DCC. ;-)
For more information about the 10 years Rocrail event see:
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