Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Relay as N-scale switch motor. Part II

Today the wanted relay type arrived and I found copper-plated steel welding wire ø 0,8mm in the local hardware store.

The long side of the L-shaped wire is 55mm of which 5mm is soldered on the relay armature.

Now I only need a good idea to get the chassis back on the relay...

BTW: Only one output is needed instead of two for the commonly used dual coil switch motor.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Rob,

    In my pre-LGB days, when I still was working on my hO layout, I also used relais, but I used spring steel (such as Conrad 228101). With the spring steel you can have a little "overshoot" in the length of the motion and achieve a pressure of the thongs against the rail.

    BTW, yes, you need only an output, but you need to keep it energized. Most decoders allow only one gate active at the time, making it hard to operate two relais on one port.

