Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

Air Tunes

Music is something for the soul.

My Marantz CD player does no longer want to play my CD's. Looking for an alternative I found a nice device name "Airport Express" from Apple. This device has the possibility to receive streamed audio and convert it to an analog audio signal which can be connected to the amplifier in the living.

So, my solution looks like this:
On the Mac Mini, used for Plan-F, I shared the iTunes library and connected iTunes with the remote speakers attached to the Airport Express which connects to the living audio system.
On the iPod Touch I installed the free App "Remote" which can be used as remote control for all iTunes libraries available in the home network.
The Mac Mini is upstairs in my hobby room, and I am with the iPod in the living choosing from all available items in the library: Great! :)

The next step is to include the ordered Apple TV in this setup to make iTunes TV, movies and so on also available in the living.

I needed a lot of time to get the Airport Express joining my existing Wireless LAN.
If the WEP Key is a HEX sequence it must be prefixed with a $ sign in the Airport Utility

Montag, 11. Oktober 2010


Not only trains have wheels; nice cars have them too.
This picture is dedicated to my dear friend Dirk who joins the Rocrail project for many years and has a look for detail. (In general...)

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

Road to the railway station.

The main road to the railway station is painted and all ballast is in place.
The platform is from the Neustadt a/d Weinstrasse station. But I stripped of the roof because the wetter is always very summer like indoors, and it shows more of the trains without the roof.
The grass machine did work fine but it sparks wildly when the tea strainer touches the nail in the wet glue. ;)

Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

Fly flap

The formal fly flap will serve es grass machine.
I will post results here this afternoon If I did not get an electro shock. ;-)